Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day 5- Countless Hours In

Well I caved on day 3- had one tiny little cig. Trust me it was needed and completely worth it. Haven't had one since.. but I'm laying here in bed with thoughts running thru my mind and I really want one. It's amazing how you think a cigarette can erase pain. I know that's completely ridiculous but it's a nice distraction.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Day 3- 50 Hours In

Ugh, restlessness has set in. Just asked to bum a cig, but changed my mind and retracted before they had a chance to bring me one. Of course when I quit smoking all kinds of horrible things happen and all I want to do when the emotions start rollin is light one of those suckers up. It took everything I had not to raid my ashtray for a smokable butt last night- I know.. disgusting, but true. I should probably clean them out, but let's face it I'm saving them for an absolute moment of desperation. I've resorted to inhaling through a cut off straw on the drive to and from work. I must say it might be the greatest idea I've had thus far... mostly disappointing and not satisfying, but at least I've got something to occupy my fingers and mouth.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 2- 25 Hours In

I made it.. I freakin made it! One whole day. All it took was 19 dum dums (side note- steer clear of the mystery flavors), a thermos full of juice, 3 pieces of gum, chocolate, cough drops, Hip Hop Abs, staying inside as much as possible, and shutting the door on a whining 4 year old. Don't judge. That's my biggest trigger- The stress of parenthood.
The drive to work could have been the hardest, longest drive of my life. I may have rolled down the window next to every smoker on the highway in hopes of catching some second hand.. But regardless, I didn't hit up the nearest QT and indulge in a delicious pack of Parliament Menthol Lights. So far in my journey, all I can think about it how cool smokers look and how good it smells, I have serious problems. I even had dreams about smoking.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day 1: 6 Hours In

So far so good... Mostly. I want to eat everything in sight, more so than usual. And I had to replace chewing my fingers with a piece of gum. Maybe it's all in my head, but I feel weird. Almost like a reverse buzz. Quit for 6 hours (awake) and you'll get my drift. On the up side, I haven't hurt anyone.